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Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.

Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

Types of submissions:
Original publications can be submitted that are in a good linguistic version.

Follwing types of articles can be submitted:

  • Scientific articles that provide new and innovative insights such as empirical or theoretical arguments (length of scientific articles: max. 60,000 characters [incl. spaces, bibliography, footnotes and tables]).
  • Reviews of relevant, new publications in the journal's range of topics (length of reviews: max. 8,500 characters [incl. spaces])
  • Conference reports (length: max. 13,000 characters [incl. spaces])

Guidelines for scientific articles:

  • Title page: Title and subtitle, authorship, affiliation and at least 1 author as corresponding author; abstract (max. 900 characters [incl. spaces], keywords (4-6 words).
  • Common manuscript structure: Introduction / State of research / Theoretical framework / Methodology / Analyses or results / Discussion / Conclusion / Bibliography
  • Appendix (Tables/Data, Acknowledgment, Funding, Supplementary Materials, Conflicts of Interest, Ethical Standards, Involvement of Authors)
  • Body text: Times, Arial or Calibri, font size 12.
  • Headings: Font and font size same as body text, bold type. Numbering possible, e.g. 1, 1.1 or 1.2.1, no more than 3 levels.
  • In-Text Citation; full citation in the bibliography at the end. For details see below: "Guidelines for citation".
  • Footnotes: Keep the number and length of footnotes as small or short as possible. Font size: 10.
  • Direct quotations of more than 60 words as petit passages and format them in font size 11. Shorter quotations do not require special formatting.
  • acronyms: write out and introduce them when they are first mentioned. Example: Islamic Religious Community Austria (IGGÖ)
  • Highlighting certain expressions such as ijazah, key terms, etc. by using italics. Please use emphasis sparingly.
  • Transliteration: German according to DMG regulations:
    English according to:

Guidelines for tables and graphs:

  • All illustrations, graphics and tables should have a resolution of 300 dpi. Attached graphics can have the following formats: PNG, JPEG, EPS, SVG or PDF.
  • Tables can be submitted as Word tables (recommended) or graphics (see above). Word tables as well as graphics should be clear and easy to read. Possible fonts are Times, Arial or Calibri in font size 10.
  • Notes in the running text: In text passages in which tables or figures are referred to, a corresponding note should be placed in the body text (according to the pattern: see Fig./Tab. 1).

Guidelines for in-text citation (APA Style):

  • All source references are made in the text in abbreviated citation according to APA (APA, 2020) –– see also the Citavi citation style "Forum Islamic-Theological Studies". The abbreviated in-text citation has the following pattern: (last name, year, page number). In the case of two authors/editors: (last name & surname, year, page number). If more than two authors or editors, only first author/editor and et al., ex: (last name et al., year, page number).
  • There is no "cf" in APA style. "cf" is to be deleted in the references.
    References by different authors should be separated by semicolons in the reference: (Meyer, 2020, 56; Sejdini, 2021, 78f.; Tuna, 2021, 19ff.). Several references by the same author should be separated by commas in the reference: (Sejdini, 2017, 2020).
  • In the case of subsequent citations, the abbreviation ibid are not used. Author references should be written out, as described above.
  • If the authorship is clearly stated in the text, then only the year and page number follow in the citation. Example: According to Zekirija Sejdini, a central precept of religious education is to place the human being at the centre (2020, 45).

The bibliography of each paper has to be adapted to the following APA specifications:

  • Mongoraph:
    Last name, first name & Last name, first name. (Year of publication). Title, Publisher.
    Sejdini, Z., Kraml, M. & Scharer, M. (2020). Becoming Human: Fundamentals of Interreligious Education and Didactics from a Muslim-Christian Perspective. Peter Lang.
    Whether the first names are written out in full (e.g. Sejdini, Zekirija; Tuna, Mehmet Hilmi) or only the initials are given (e.g. Sejdini, Z.; Tuna, M. H.) is individually manageable.
  • Anthology/Collection:
    Last name, first name & Last name, first name. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title, Publisher.
    Tuna, M. H. & Juen, M. (Hg.). (2021). Praxis für die Zukunft: Erfahrungen, Beispiele und Modelle kooperativen Religionsunterrichts. Kohlhammer.
  • Contribution in a Anthology/Collection:
    Last name, first name & Last name, first name. (Year of publication). Title. In First Name Last Name & First Name Last Name (eds.), anthology title (from-to). Publisher.
    Takım, A. (2020). Die Welt als Text und die Offenbarung als Kommunikation Gottes mit Menschen. In M. Eckholt, H. El Mallouki & G. Etzelmüller (Hg.), Religiöse Differenzen gestalten: Hermeneutische Grundlagen des christlich-muslimischen Gesprächs (77–97). Herder.
  • Journal Article:
    Last name, first name & Last name, first name. (Year of publication). Title. Journal, Year(Issue), from-to. DOI (if available).
    Hannam, P. & Panjwani, F. (2020). Religious education and the potential for mitigating xenophobia. Journal of Religious Education, 68(3), 385–396.
  • Websites:
    Last Name, First Name & Last Name, First Name. (Eds.). (Publication date). Title. Web page title. URL.
    Sejdini, Z. (ed.). (30 April 2018). Prophet Muhammad as a human being. Islamportal.
  • Newspaper/Magazine:
    Last Name, First Name & Last Name, First Name. (Publication date). Title. Newspaper/Magazine. URL (if available).
    Sejdini, Z. (07. März 2015). Wir sind keine Götter: Plädoyer für eine sachliche Diskussion über die Erscheinungsformen des politischen Islams. Tiroler Tageszeitung.
    Arapi, L. (03. November 2020). Sejdini: Sie wissen, dass sie keine Macht haben, wollen aber die Gesellschaft spalten.
  • Theses:
    Last name, first name & Last name, first name. (publication year). Title (master/doctoral thesis, university). URL (if available).
    Tuna, M. H. (2014). "Islam ist nach der Schule…": Die Situation des islamischen Religionsunterrichts mit Blick auf Abmeldungsmotive und -praxis (Masterarbeit, Universität Wien).
  • Video/DVD/Radio or TV broadcast:
    Last name, first name & Last name, first name. (function). (publication date). Title. Programme title [format]. Country: Broadcaster/Producer. URL (if available).
    Tretina, K. (Gestaltung). (25. Juli 2020). “Mekka” – Nabel der islamischen Welt. Tao – aus den Religionen der Welt [Radiosendung]. Österreich: O1.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.



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